

hermes kelly

I like this Hermes Kelly’s new package, but I never thought let who bought me this package, but today when I saw my work on the table was the bag, I was still very nervous, I do not know this is it right? Others package send it to me! When I see this bag is my most loved Hermes Kelly I was a little afraid ah, I finally just the reaction come over, originally is the time before I give my boyfriend said that this matter, but I forget! Didn’t expect that he should remember this thing and bought me the bag, it really touched me!



Bachelor degree

If you do not get the Bachelor degree. Now I am very nervous! I am so long time diagram of school is this ah! But now suddenly said to me without a bachelor’s degree. I was very uncomfortable! I don’t know how I’m going to go home to parents said this thing, in fact, it is not my fault! I just helped students. But I never thought it would be so bad! Now, in the face of such a result I is really very uncomfortable! I really regret in retrospect at that time, if at that time I did not much words would not have so many things! There is no way!








All blame me that time too simple, a few speak sugared words are people cheat, now marriage also married to regret it too late, he had always said if I want him to give me, even if it is his life, hear now of I, will certainly sniff at, but I so innocent how can see through his blandis hments. Today I saw a Hermes bag wanted him to buy me, he said without a credit card at that time, cash is not enough, come to buy, then you have to say is no time to return to the company meeting what has been refused, at last I took the credit card to buy, a clerk said to be overdrawn, so now I like Hermes did not buy a hand.

wedding photography

I have two students are doing wedding photography, those few days I heard a friend say that my two friends getting married soon, and I’ll stunned both of them how to come together to do? Before us in school when the two of them can be said is incompatible with the kind of ah, although there is the same hobbies, like wedding photography, but the two of them as long as it is a talk on the quarrel with previous years the University, they had a falling out four, ah, two of them actually want to get married, really is a bit weird ah it seems that the feeling in their quarrel is perhaps slowly formed it, but anyway, I wish them both.

