酒店 消費

現在的人每次去酒店 消費的時候,其實都會有一些額外的支出,但是他們不會覺得那樣有什麼不好的地方,我覺得我其實在酒店 消費的時候,也會有自己的顧忌在裡面,但是我老公說既然我們出來玩了,那麼我們就不需要考慮那麼多錢的問題,我們只需要管好自己的嘴就可以了,其實我是那種想要去做什麼事情的話,我就會好好去做的類型,我現在也不會有那麼多的想法什麼的,現在我自己去酒店 消費,我肯定會有我自己的安排在裡面,所以說我也不會強迫我老公去接受我的意見。


Now have the AWS also do what server, and a waste of equipment and a waste of money, we now the system is often the server also online over a hundred people, want to bring up is particularly good, but the equipment price is super expensive, but also daily maintenance, tired to death. So it is better to AWS some, as long as the network can be used, and can be online at the same time one hundred or two hundred people are not a problem. We have asked some partners, they are basically using AWS, because this is also in order to protect the security of data, so this is really very important, and now our company is ready to use aws.


好長時間都沒有吃鴨賞了呢,我們家裏也確實麼有什麼好吃的東西了,而且最主要的是我們週末帶孩子出去的話呢,還是要買一些吃的東西呢,於是我就給我的老公說是讓他 跟我一起去超市買一些優酪乳呀什麼的,而就砸這個時候我的兒子特別強調讓我別忘記買鴨賞了呢,我這才告訴他說是鴨賞我是一定會哦買的,因為我們全家人都很喜歡吃鴨賞呢,我很激動,因為我很期待我們這次的全家郊遊呢,在城市裏面待久了,放假了就想到郊外去逛逛呢,確實風景很美。

Taiwan Taipei hotel near 101

A holiday to find friends to travel to their side, friends help me to book the Taiwan Taipei hotel near 101, thought is not heart idea, went to the place, look at the outside of the decoration is quite distinctive and the atmosphere, into the hall house staff is very warm, then asked to help us make baggage to the room, feel very close, then into the house, a place by the window at a glance you can see many buildings in the city, lie down and rest and chat with friends, friends see me very satisfied is immensely proud, I start to find him Taiwan Taipei hotel near 101 how much is not easy. Friends feel really well, at the heart of a friend of Taiwan Taipei and hotel near 101 so good service I want to play a few days





Virtual Patch

Recently we idle with nothing to do, we think is to learn some more knowledge, because we are doing research, there are many colleagues recently said the Virtual Patch, but many people do not know what is the Virtual Patch, then our leaders heard this, let a person to tell us Virtual Patch, said this is true for our work is also helpful, I think Virtual Patch is really very useful knowledge is very interesting, I Virtual Patch knowledge of special interest, now as long as there is time, I will learn to check the relevant knowledge on the Internet, I think after learning these knowledge will always be, so learning is quite good.





