hermes birkin

I have had a dream, and this dream is to go to Hermes Birkin to work, you might have some strange ideas, I said this is it right? Brain problem ah, in the Hermes Birkin work turned out to be a dream, too, which may be not and people’s values are directly related, for example, I would feel in Hermes Birkin work is a kind of enjoyment, can choose their own needs for customers, I will especially meet, because I feel myself to others is helpful, although also can encounter unpleasant things at work, but I will adjust their own state as soon as possible, try your best to you.









offshore company

Now more and more enterprises choose to register offshore company, because overseas information is relatively developed, import and export trade is also more convenient for some, offshore company also has the very big difference in tax this and the mainland, for some entrepreneurs to register offshore company is to let the enterprise have a better, more extended their overseas the volume of business, gradually to make international business development of a company to own, offshore company registration is also need the relevant procedures and costs, but if after successful registration will be corporate bosses are helpful in many aspects to the company or person, can also be a lot less tax than the mainland in various import and export trade, so now registered companies in overseas enterprises more and more, all is for the convenience of their own business development company.








University graduation day I finally made my Diploma, I am really very happy, but did not think that Diploma is a very important thing, now when looking for work found that Diploma is really important, each company will be valued which school did you graduate from, I’m okay I graduated from school or comparison well-known, so when looking for work is very smooth, but the cousin no me so well, she decided to go to Canada to study for a master’s degree now, it seems the cousin of mine is really on your mind ah, I wish her, hope she can learn what she wants, then find a good the work, then the best!