



kamen rider

Today is with the children go out to play, did not expect will give him what to buy toys, but when my son to see the comparison of eye-catching Kamen Rider model, is particularly excited, that is must let me buy it for him, can’t I don’t think this time make the baby not happy so I say, is waiting for us to come out from the playground, I give him to buy the Kamen Rider model, he listened to me to say so, also feel shy to let me buy Kamen Rider model to him, strange followed me into the playground to play, did not think of when we came out, I thought he would forget the Kamen Rider model, he said let me buy it for him, I bought the child a.




Fighting for my son bought a Gundam toy, after I returned home, son opened my bag, then, see this Gundam very excited, said his mother the best, saying is he put his most like to drink milk for my drink, I heard the phrase, I couldn’t help laughing the. After the whole family heard, that is my son will definitely smart, because now you know please, etc. grew, certainly also can in the society is based on, because he is good at expressing their feelings, etc. after he finished, he was delighted with Gundam to play with out to play, said Gundam is to share his toys with his friends..



unlimited hosting

I heard that you can now put their important mailbox files in the unlimited hosting, I think the software is quite advanced, after all, some of our contacts with customers by mail, but there are very important, if the missing words, may also will give the customer loss, so we now give you open unlimited hosting what, as long as the important files can register to the unlimited hosting, I think this is very good, I also do not have their own memory not used to worry about now, for as long as I feel this file later also may use the word, I will keep him in the unlimited hosting, so my computer also a lot faster, no card.

シンガポール 就職

表姐來我家的時候,我還在樓上睡著呢,表姐就在樓下喊了我幾聲,我就下去了,就和表姐在樓下一起聊了一會天,表姐問我是不是今年就要畢業了,我說是呀,問我有什麽打算呢,我說現在還沒有決定呢,表姐說她有一個同學學習的專業和我是一樣的,現在在シンガポール 就職呢,聽說那邊的待遇都挺不錯的,而且發展空間也比較大一些,問我想不想去シンガポール 就職,如果想去的話 ,她給她那個同學說一下,安排一下讓我也去那邊工作。



