



Recruitment consulting

Friends say she take a look at today Recruitment consulting, also saw a good job, listen to a friend and I said she is going to change your job? Friend told me, seeing that she helped her to a colleague, say it’s her job? She liked, was temporarily don’t want to change your job, listen to the friend of the things I said to hear her say Recruitment consulting the things I thought she was going to change my job, my friend said she was going to do now work well, says she now work can learn a lot of things, that she should go to the training classes to learn over time, is wants to let own work ability become stronger.

japan hotel

今天我見到了幾年前見到的一個賣報紙的小男孩兒,他以為我買了幾份他的報紙而感激我呢。并麼有覺得有什麼感激的呢,這一天,他請我去一家咖啡館喝咖啡,我們聊起了幾年前的往事,我問他為什麼會去賣報紙,他告訴我說他的家境很貧寒,經過了幾年的打拼才有了現在的工作,他現在在japan hotel里面做總經理的職務,他對現在的生活非常的滿意,他還說再過一段時間等他的房子裝修好了,就把自己的父母接過來一起住。其實我們都選擇不了出身,但是我們都可以通過後天的努力過上自己想要的生活,他後來還帶我去了他工作的japan hotel參觀呢。

freight forwarding

At that time, because the project sharp point, our company before contact the company because of the other projects, we also did not help treatment projects here in the same period, but then one of my friends know that I, the first time for me to call my recommended freight forwarding, at the time when I heard the freight forwarding, I was very happy, but there is still a little worried that if there is no way to cooperate. Then we do, but others freight forwarding company special in this respect, not only with the project and the work efficiency is also especially fast, if there is no freight forwarding, we estimate the company will not spend the hom.

office renovation

Friends let me help her to contact the office renovation, she was ready to put his own company to decorate, it will listed companies over time, it is to have a good image of the company to improve now, listen to a friend and I said I recently helped her to watch out for office renovation, etc. I find the right I’ll notify her friends listen to what I just said she will have a look at, listen to the friend of the things I said she is really quite badly, company just opened two years is already listed on the stock market is going to be, friends listen to what I said she is only implemented step right now, said she was going to open a branch next, listen to the friend and I said her dedication to work very strong?





intelligent access control security solutions

When you go to work Monday to suddenly feel the atmosphere more tense than usual feeling, so ask ask colleagues why feel very nervous, colleagues said a meeting about intelligent access control security solutions scheme to provide a better customer, so everyone was so nervous, ah, the last intelligent access control security solutions solution did not pass, is intelligent access control security solutions, so it will have a meeting to plan for customers to submit a better job, so that customer satisfaction, so that we should be the boss said, think of what a good idea for a while to come up at the meeting, everyone discuss one of the best solutions to the customer is not what problem.

日本 飯店

聽著同事在說其日本旅遊的事,聽著就覺得玩的很開心的樣子,有點吃貨潛質的同事正在說著她哪個日本 飯店吃了什麼什麼,哪個日本 飯店的壽司,生魚片特別好吃,哪裡的日本 飯店的美食又便宜又好吃,滔滔不絕,聽得真是同樣吸引我這個吃貨的感覺,就讓同事說買點我記下,下次假期我也要帶著我朋友一起去,她笑著說,沒問題,我記得沒有幾個,不過都拍了照片,我找一下照片發給你,你們去玩的時候直接找到店名就能放肆的吃了。哈哈,好。