Automated storage retrieval system (ASRS) Supplier

Aunt to play at home, the cousin also happens at home, and cousin in chat, cousin asked me where I work, I told my cousin I was doing Automated storage retrieval system (ASRS) Supplier‘s cousin listen to me Automated storage retrieval system (ASRS) Supplier do not understand, ask me in the end is how the same meaning, specifically what to do, and I gave my cousin explained some things to work, and finally cousin also heard about, cousin hear me say , said that the treatment of all aspects of the work should be very good, and I went back to my cousin was okay, nor do I like this job, the treatment is followed, the idea that I like this job on the line. Finally, my cousin gave me a lot of things her work, that cousin’s work is also good. Also want to choose their own course, and cousin same work, but he did not learn.