
和老婆结婚都几的年了,都没怎么带老婆去旅游过更别说是去度蜜月了,所以有时候想想也感觉自己心里挺过意不过去的。所以我就想有机会带着老婆我们一起出去玩玩。上次听老婆回业说是在台湾有一个台湾垦丁酒店非常的不错,而且看她给我说的时候那表情,还有 说话的语气我也是感受得到的老婆肯定是也想去体验一下的。所以我想不如我们就去一个近一点的地方玩玩就去台湾好了,这几天我在网上看了一下台湾垦丁酒店推荐预订,我一下好的酒店肯定人气也高,人家给我做台湾垦丁酒店推荐预订也是有理由的,所以我把自己的时候按排了一下,然后预订了这个台湾垦丁酒店。这事我暂时还没有告诉老婆呢,因为我想给她一个惊喜。

シンガポール コンドミニアム

シンガポールで同じテーブルに住んシンガポール コンドミニアム学校環境は非常に良いですし、その後、アパートに住んで学校に行く恐れている彼女の写真を送信するために、今、私はシンガポールに行く少しを持っている今の私を見て、同じテーブルには今年の初め、シンガポールに行くことです。、彼は行くつもりなかったことを、彼の両親は彼女がいない場合は、彼女は、左側の人だった、シンガポールに移動し、後に、彼女は学校のアパートに住んでいたシンガポール、彼女に行ってきましたので、、と彼女の両親と一緒に住んでいない、彼女はちょうど彼女がそこに住むようになったときに私を与え、それに住んでシンガポール コンドミニアム写真、非常に美しい空想

laser printer

I think the laser printer is really too good, really let me work up too easily, can be said to be small helper to my work, I really was too like the laser printer, now I work is really very happy. Since the company bought the laser printer, I work every day can be done early, and now it is really very fast, which makes me always had more time to do other things, because the printing speed laser printer is really fast, and the printing effect is very good also, not file print not qualified, so this for us these data management of people is really handy.


Last time I bought his son a warrior Gundam, back when had given him as a gift, he saw the warrior Gundam at that time, especially happy, I think it seems that this really is to buy him for the gift. Because of work outside of the home, so I rarely go home, this also lets me feel owe their children too much, so the back home would buy him some toys, in fact, the last time, to buy him a warrior Gundam, is introduced to people, I want to go home at the time, but we don’t know to his son what to buy good gift, friends say is like their children to buy a warrior Gundam special, let me buy one, so I bought a Gundam for him.

Taipei Japanese restaurant

This Taipei Japanese restaurant is really very good, this can be said to be the best one to see Taipei Japanese restaurant, because I have been to other Taipei Japanese restaurant I feel no good home, I really like this home decoration style, is really too special, eat in a restaurant like this, I think it is a kind of enjoyment, I think a friend recommended to me the Taipei Japanese restaurant is really too good, later if I had time, I would to the Taipei Japanese restaurant to eat, because I think it is really good.







half case

The camera is very good, but our camera because there is no half case camera case, so that when the camera is in trouble, I’ll give my husband said, we want to buy a half case camera case, what he said to buy buy, you gave me say, I actually wanted to give him that if I bought a half case camera Case after that, we go to travel when you can not bother, and sometimes you want to take pictures , but also remove the camera is set to wear a very troublesome thing, so that I think it is how easy how to handle, but my husband did not seem to care how these things look like, I do not say he was anything.

初生 嬰兒 用品

和我姐姐一起去買初生 嬰兒 用品,我還以為我姐姐對初生 嬰兒 用品的東西是很熟悉的呢,但是我姐姐其實也不清楚到底什麼樣的初生 嬰兒 用品是好的,因為她在孩子小的時候,都是她的婆婆去買初生 嬰兒 用品的,我說你真享福,這些你都不用管,她說因為她自己也不會想很多事情,她那個時候身體也不是很好,所以說很多的事情都是她婆婆給她去做的,那個時候我覺得自己還是很享福的,我現在就沒有那麼走運了,但是我也不會有什麼抱怨,因為我覺得是沒有必要的。