Food Recipes

Baby Food Recipes I’ve booked, because I have to go on a trip with my husband, the child is not at ease, although his cooking is not bad, but the baby is doing something to eat and I think he should not, so to go before the trip to do the Food Recipes, except for some I give the baby cooking experience, also took a lot of books, is a relatively comprehensive, so to give the baby to eat there could be no nutritional imbalance problem, I repeatedly told her husband that give the child to eat things must be in accordance with the Food Recipes do, you can’t give the baby to eat things, the baby’s stomach is very fragile, very easy to eat wrong.





台北信义区 酒店

这段时间放暑假了,在家真是闲的无聊,于是我就想给自己找一个兼职做做,因为我学的是酒店管理的专业所以我不是想去酒店里面工作的,这样的话,对我来说也是一年提早的实习,也是一种锻炼的机会,对我在以后的工作中肯定了是有所帮助的,所以我这几天就开始了我的兼职工作当中,昨天我去台北信义区 酒店面试了,台北信义区 酒店非常的不错,无论是酒店的环境 还是工作制度什么都非常的不错,我很想去台北信义区 酒店工作,可是我还不知道我有没有通过面试,现在只要在家等通知了。

financial planning

Colleagues today and I say he attended a financial planning investment recently, I asked him how, he said very good, the company scale is big, the inside of the professional is also very much, he invested several projects are in the company of professional recommendation in the stalk, avoid some risks, he felt quite interesting, I asked about financial planning the name of this company, I also want to know, free time to do some financial investment, I on the financial aspects of this is not understand, and now this time I feel learn some finance knowledge is very necessary, colleagues say that you can go to this company.





嬰兒用品 專門店

才从嬰兒用品 專門店出来就遇到了我的同事,他一直在休产假,所以我也好长时间没看到他了,没想到居然这么巧在嬰兒用品 專門店遇到他了,他肯定是给自己的小宝宝买东西的,看他现在的肚子好像也快生了,我是来给我哥的孩子买嬰兒用品的,因为我嫂子没时间,我哥那个大男人也不会挑这些东西,于是我就过来买了,跟他聊了之后才知道他也是怕自己老公一个大男人,不了解这些小东西,所以就亲自过来买了,不过我觉得像他都到这个月份了还是在家里好好休息,找其他人来买东西吧。

台湾 免疫细胞治疗

我们班里有一位同学的妈妈得了癌症,但是去年却听说已经治好了,好像是在台湾治好了,听说是因为台湾 免疫细胞治疗,那个好像是最先进的治疗癌症的技术了吧,因为我知道癌症的话一般都是化疗做手术什么的,而且还不一定能治好,所以当时我听说同学的妈妈癌症居然被治好了,真的很吃惊,没想到所有人都害怕的癌症也有治疗的方法了。这个台湾 免疫细胞治疗我也是通过这件事情才知道的,看来好东西也应该要宣传,要不然还是没有人知道的。

Taps Singapore

Today went to Aunt home, at noon meal for my aunt, aunt in our good friends and relatives but famous chef, cook very delicious today I also has delicious food, she cooks I also not help what busy selecting Zecai, wash dishes and so on, can only look that way, I saw aunt the kitchen like a re decoration of the times, the kitchen is also installed a man named Taps Singapore, I asked aunt aunt said is cousin to change, the Taps Singapore and he asked his friend to buy abroad, said that the quality and style are good, also bought a new lampblack machine, kitchen fume time had for a long time, not easy to use, I said cousin was very considerate.