nail salon hong kong

沒做美甲之前沒覺得會有什麼變化,只是看到別人做的美甲還挺好看的,所以還挺想嘗試一下的,朋友就說那就嘗試一次唄也沒有什麼,然後就毫不猶豫的去了這個nail salon hong kong美甲店,沒想到店面不是很大,但是人還是很多的,所以就覺得還是很有意思的了,挑選了一個自己喜歡的顏色之後就做美甲,還別說做了之後的感覺還真的有點不一樣,感覺還挺好的,nail salon hong kong這個美甲店也是很不錯的,感覺還是很好的,感覺自己的手都變漂亮了還是很好的。

solar energy monitor

The installation of solar energy monitor after this feeling is really a lot of convenience, not previously found that after the installation of this software can not see electricity, the most critical time in the outdoor is not convenient charging but also the use of solar energy is really very convenient, also don’t say a friend introduced me before I have been don’t believe her, this time really try will think it is very convenient, is really admire solar energy to design the monitor software, the idea is very novel and is also very good, is really very good, with the former than is really much more convenient or very good this, when outdoors also don’t worry about it.


一來到這個法國語言學校,我也就還真的是從來都沒有發現原來這個法國語言學校也就還真的是我理想的學校呢,看來這次我的這個選擇也就還真的是非常的正確的,因為我一直就都是特別的希望 我能夠上一個我喜歡的學校的,結果沒有想到這次我也就還真的是有機會就是能夠來到這個法國語言學校上學的,真的是在這里上學了以后就真的是越來越喜歡這里了,也還能夠在這個法國語言學校上學也還真的是我的榮幸呢。








正好我今天休息我就打算回去家里看看哥哥的孩子,好久沒有見過他了,不知道他長高了沒有,我上次出去逛街的時候,給他買了他最喜歡的數碼暴龍,希望他到時候可以很開心,等到回到家里看到他在自己一個人玩,看到我之后就跑過來了,抱著我叫姑姑,然後拿過我給他買的數碼暴龍,開心的跳起業了,給家人都看了一遍,再自己拿去一個人去玩了,看到他這麼高興我自己也就放心了,希望他可以快快長大,這樣我們就可以一起出去逛街了,我給他買好的玩具 。



Taipei hotel near MRT

Taipei hotel near the MRT where the scenery is very good, and where the traffic is very much, and Taipei hotel where is near the MRT and arguably more prosperous areas, and each alley has sell snacks, once one of my friend and I go to which a nearby alley to buy some delicious, and the taste of taste is also good, very good, but far away can smell, what delicious snacks, where the person is also very warm, the person also is very good, I like where living custom, and their hospitality, also play always want to learn.

chinese writing class

When there is no thought of the original Chinese writing class now this also is really very interesting, but also to the people is more special, especially now it really is to see this Chinese is very good, but I still want to go to the China special play again, so it feels to be able to learn the Chinese writing class is really good, but I did not think of the Chinese writing class is to learn also really is very good, now I also really learn more and better, but also more love this Chinese, really feel well Chinese role really is great.