

time attendance security door

Just back home friend told me that she is with her colleagues to go shopping malls inside look at the time attendance security door. Tomorrow is said to work today when their manager gave her things, said the company is ready to install time attendance security door, listening to a friend about what I have it is really very good, friends listened to my story is that she didn’t want to go, that is she will have a lot of documents to do, listening to a friend about what I said she would go to complete their manager to give her task to explain, I can understand some they do not understand things, learn more about it. Friends listen to what I told you to say that it is good to know about her tomorrow.



solar energy monitor

My mother saw a neighbor’s house installed solar energy monitor, my mother said that also want to give our house to install a solar energy monitor, I let my mother asked the neighbor’s houses where to buy solar energy monitor and how to let my brother go to the mall to buy some of the installation solar energy monitor and for workers to mother home installed a solar energy monitor, mom bought a lot of food in the evening, for my brother and I made a hearty dinner, said two people would like to thank our brother and sister. Mom’s cooking is my brother and I are all very admire, from small to large, we all don’t like to visit for dinner we think mom’s rice better eat, go to a restaurant to total waste.





diploma in teaching singapore

See a friend recently very busy, I did not ask what the friend is busy. The evening friends to my house to play, I asked her friends recently in busy what a friend told me that she has been busy getting Diploma in teaching Singapore, listening to a friend about what I said she was ready to go to Singapore to work? A friend said her first Diploma in teaching Singapore hand, is not yet decided to go to Singapore for a job now, listening to a friend about what I would say yes, that this time she will be very busy, friends listened to my story that she went to the test over the weekend, that is not now to review it, said some time ago has been studying.



part time job

我在家里最近沒有什麽事情,想找一個part time job來做,這樣也可以補貼家里,也可以打發一些時間,讓自己不那麼無聊了,找點事情可干。我就在網上看了幾個part time job,感覺自己可勝任,就給他們打電話過去,問清楚之后,他們說隨時都 可以過去做,也可以帶回家里去,我就想這個還挺不錯的,我如果做不完了,也可以帶回家里去做,這樣也不浪費時間在路上了。想好之后,我就儘快過去找他們了,給我講清楚了看我想帶回去還是在這里做都可以,我就決定先在做,等做的差不多了,也可以帶點回去再做下。