日本 買樓

我的一個好朋友家裡很有錢。最近他們準備移民日本了,現在就要在日本 買樓了。我還挺羨慕他們的,在日本生活應該也二十一件不錯的事情。聽說日本 買樓的價格也是很高的,不過花錢買到好房子也是很值得的,畢竟日本也是一個寸土寸金的地方。現在很多中國人都在日本 買樓,所以價格也相對抬高了。像我們這樣的人可能是一輩子都不能在日本 買樓了,只能眼饞人家了,不過有機會的話應該也是可以去那邊旅遊的。到時候也能去朋友的新房子看看,這樣也是很不錯的一件事。

osaka hotel

A lot of people are said to be Osaka Hotel‘s environment is very good, there are a lot of people are there to do the wedding, but I just listen to what others say, he did not personally experienced, so I have to tell Dad want me to go to Osaka Hotel to eat a meal, and then in the night, waiting for me back then decided to my brother’s wedding ceremony is held where appropriate, dad said I said is quite reasonable, after all, only a wedding, everyone wants to put the wedding was the best, so I took his brother went to Osaka Hotel to enjoy a night with him, such as the two back to the both of us on the Osaka Hotel good impression, in the afternoon we went to Osaka Hotel for the deposit.

hk web design

Even a month, everyone in the HK web design want to break the head, because the HK web design is currently the most urgent one project, HK web design determines the company’s ability to successfully listed, so everyone is busy, to better, more perfect, people like HK web design. As long as people are like, this design is successful, the company listed on the success of the. But company executives are not the results, always feel is missing. After two months of struggle, finally have a fancy that your boss, designed to meet the tastes of the public, a bold innovation is used, we can breathe a sigh of relief, the company also launched smoothly.


嫂子馬上就要生了,我和媽媽在醫院照顧著的嫂子,吃午飯看新聞說山西有位白血病患者,現在急需要A型血的 臍帶血 和配對的骨髓,骨髓已經有了,就是 臍帶血 庫里沒有A型血的了,電視機前那位白血病的人已經奄奄一息了,他的家人和親戚都在病床前束手無策的哭著,電視看著看著,就聽到嫂子大聲的叫起來,好像早生了,半小時后就聽到小寶貝的聲音,正好也是A型的,嫂子就決定把小寶貝的 臍帶血 捐給那位白血病患者,小寶貝一生下來就做了這麼大件好事以後一定是個善良的孩子。



graphic design

I heard of a company’s graphic design do super good, this is my friend told me that his clothing store opening is to ask the company team to do the graphic design, the propaganda effect is good, I am prepared to vigorously promote the store now, my friend said graphic design you can find them. Yesterday I called them, really is a very professional team, soon and I communicate well this time. They said the store graphic design is relatively easy to do, should not delay too long, I hear that is happy, I also want to do the best as soon as possible



osaka hotel

Brother in Tokyo opened a hotel called the Osaka Hotel, then take this name he asked me, I said to him a few, the results I said I think the name is soil case, annoyed me so I let my brother wants to go. Then my brother not thinking about the Oscar prize, to the entire western style stores, then the name of the Osaka Hotel, I Gekaide inside the hotel decoration is elegant, the hotel is a bit like the feeling of the farm, surrounded with trees and flowers. And a two floor are dining place, and outdoor swimming pool, really beautiful. I with my classmates to play a few times, they say very good.

シンガポール 住宅

來新加坡也有一段時間了,現在已經習慣了這邊的生活了。還記得一開始的時候還真是挺心酸的。一個人人生地不熟的,還要自己找住的地方。還好有シンガポール 住宅,我是通過シンガポール 住宅找到了一個不錯的房子。一開始我還不知道,還是一個熱心人告訴我,找房子的話就去シンガポール 住宅,這樣會比較便利,也會省去很多麻煩。後來我把シンガポール 住宅都介紹給了我的同事,他們都說是非常不錯的,現在他們找房子都是用シンガポール 住宅