
最近發現國內的朋友炒港股期指的越來越多,但是去炒香港窩輪(Warrant)的幾乎沒有。前些日子我和和朋友談起自己在投資窩輪,大家都現實出一幅很驚訝的神色問我說那東西風險那么大你都敢去炒,說的我好像就是一名賭徒一樣,感覺還有一點要勸我放棄的意思。 其實之所以大家這么驚訝是應為大家都不了解窩輪,而所謂窩輪實際上是英文Warrant的譯音,在證券市場上,就是指一種金融衍生產品——認股權證。




Printer many different types of general business are inseparable from the printer, no printer I can not imagine our work can not carry out, but I am sure over quickly, because now whether it is the small and large businesses aremodern paperless office, no one said very little handwriting operation, unless it is to be handwritten things, most of the rest of the things will be relying on the printer, just like our office two days before the printer is broken,basically, all the work into a standstill, because a lot of files can not be printed, so the printer is very important for modern office.


To buy a house on it, her boyfriend has been difficult to reach a consensus. I was a paying more attention to people living now, a little ahead of consciousness, so I have been in favor of the loan to buy a house, because the future of every month, part of the expenditures for the loan, but at least in a very short time within can live on their own house. But the boyfriend was the father to work for a construction company, such as two or three years, the father company in our city to build a house, it will be cheaper than the market price, that time lump sum.





台北 太陽餅




wedding photography

Shoot wedding photography, these days I have been hanging in the heart is considered to fall. His wife is a very good woman, so when I pursue her lung is very inadequate and seems to have been rejected in general. But in the end is very lucky, I am with her. Although when I proposed to her after so many years, appeared before the feeling, always afraid she would refuse generally. This is very lucky, she even agreed to direct. But I always felt that it was not true, the wedding took until today, I feel like really.

