meeting room

Now is the most important company period so basically we every day in the conference room for a long time, I feel that the atmosphere is very good! In fact, the beginning I also did not think the employees sense of responsibility is so strong. Our meeting room to tell the truth is not very good but they are in such a meeting room for a day, are in order to give advice and suggestions, I feel really touched! I want to wait until it is over I will put my conference room get grades, so I think we meet again it will not be so embarrassed.

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台北 五星酒店

上次去台北 五星酒店真的感觉服务超好,我这种工作的人基本上都是经常要去外地办公的,酒店也是住过不少,但是真的感觉特别享受的就是台北 五星酒店了,有些酒店虽然说是五星但其实根本就没有达到标准,有的时候真的让人住的特别生气,自从吃过这种亏之后我就在选酒店这件事情上特别慎重,除了酒店的介绍之外还有一些信息我也要看一看的。后来就看到一个网友说台北有一家五星酒店非常棒,所以上次我去台北的时候就专门住在台北 五星酒店,真的是特别不错的。

playground equipment

My friends said they were areas now have very good playground equipment, at that time I did not believe, but at last I go to their quarters at playground equipment, found that their community is really good, I want to be in our area also has a good playground equipment, in fact I am in this way, others see the good words, I would think if oneself also like her words should have much good, I know that he is not good, but I is unable to control his emotions, I don’t know what to say myself, I think that is to change the these shortcomings of their own.


我們宿舍的同學們真的是太瘋狂了,現在別人宿舍的同學都已經開始說我們宿舍的同學都是即食麵大王了,因爲我們宿舍的同學這幾天差不多每天都在吃一些即食麵,特別是一到周末的時候,我們幾個舍友早上睡懶覺起來後,就隨便的洗洗,然後就開始集體的吃即食麵,說到這些我就想笑,因爲我們吃的時候差不多是搶著吃的,都 是你吃她的一口,她又來嘗你的一口,然後我們一起看著電影,這種生活我覺得還是蠻不錯的嘛。

conference room

See the conference room renovation plans we all feel decoration design this is very good, I feel nothing special this place, but in many places have special feeling design, the previous conference using room I feel some place seems very inconvenient, if a little more human good, now the idea was to achieve the estimation of conference room, the boss also felt as if not particularly well, otherwise how will want to re decoration? Of course, there may be in order to meet the new customers to our company, but no matter what we can now use the new conference room, so we feel very good.

study in UK

Also don’t know my cousin went to study in UK what, I asked my aunt, my aunt said she there is not used, but I could see she seemed much stronger than before, I said it is a good thing ah, my aunt said I had let her go to the study in UK, is to want to let her learn to be independent, know how to do things for themselves, now it seems there is a role, I said that if she was study in UK, can be good to hold it, then she will be very powerful, my aunt did not know why, after hearing me say you laugh, but I think a bit of yourself is not funny.